Calls vs Text: Which Mass Messaging Is More Effective

Imagine reaching out to an audience of 10,000 people and you have to deliver the same message to each at the same time. Institutions that handle a lot of people prefer texting patients’ appointments, texting parents school meetings, and texting citizens where to access government services.

Calling and texting both have their advantages and disadvantages. However, some people and institutions prefer calling to texting and vice versa.

Advantages of texting

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How to Use Twitter to Drive Traffic to Your Blog

To show the world how much potential you have as a writer and how good of a blog writer you are, it is essential to keep on writing and know the correct methods of driving traffic to your blog post so that the audience is direct to your content. Take Twitter as your promotion platform as it has millions of people active and a large audience who can connect to your writing. Although simply tweeting about your blog details and title will not drive traffic, Twitter for marketing also has different techniques. Get more Twitter followers with Twenvy!

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Social Media Statistics: Which Platforms Drive Sales?

In the current market, being on social media platforms has a significant impact on your revenue. Before a company buys your products or services, they probably will look you up online. Therefore, effective marketing and advertising strategy must be in place. But before that, we must look at the data; the numbers. Those are what will drive your company and will inform you on which social media platform is best.

To those readers who are using social media as their main source of income, you are going to need appropriate social media advertising and strategy. Whether it’s in terms of an Instagram influencer or driving a product to a particular audience, you will need the right professionals in your corner. Get help for marketing your Instagram products and goods by contacting the professionals at SimplyGram. They are the experts, individuals and businesses run to for all their Instagram needs.

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How Data Mapping Can Help You Comply with the GDPR?

In the modern world where information technology has become the most important element for all businesses, it is very important to keep a track of all the data that is involved both internally and externally in your business. There are extremely vast and versatile sources of data and so keeping a track of which data comes from where, and how the company can make the most of it is essential nowadays. Data has become one asset of the company and therefore applying tools and techniques like data mapping has become the need of the hour. Ethyca will help you to build trust in the Internet and data-driven business.

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